Alex Bruesewitz
Throughout his career, Bruesewitz has been a fierce advocate for the America First movement and has worked tirelessly to promote policies that put the interests of American citizens first.
Bruesewitz has been the driving force behind the efforts to defeat Republicans who fight against Trump and the MAGA movement and works to replace them with Republicans who fight for the values we hold dear.
Bruesewitz also travels the country and globe giving speeches on behalf of the MAGA movement and is the author of Winning the Social Media War: How Conservatives Can Fight Back, Reclaim the Narrative, and Turn the Tides Against the Left.

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What they say

“Alex Bruesewitz is a young star. I don’t know where he’s going, but he’s going places.”

“Alex Bruesewitz is one of my father’s strongest and most loyal supporters.”

“When it comes to the new Republican Party and understanding that we are in a war against the radical Left to save this country, nobody understands that as well as Alex Bruesewitz.“
Winning the Social Media War
Winning the Social Media War outlines how conservatives in the United States ceded the culture war to the left and provides a playbook with techniques on how to effectively win back influence over the culture through the use of social media.
Through novel interviews, independent research, and case studies of particular accounts and individuals, Alex Bruesewitz threads together conceptual and mechanical ways of engaging with and using social media for maximum impact and influence.